Australian Scrabble Championship
The flagship event of the Australian Scrabble scene is held each year, rotating between state and territory capitals. This year it is being held in Perth, Western Australia. Players from all around Australia come for this, all may enter. There are also visiting players from overseas.
The event has two sections, the Championship and the Plate. Each section plays 24 games over the course of three days Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
Championship: Australian rating of 1300 and over. Those reaching 1300 after 15 October 2016 but who are below 1300 on the first day of play have the option of playing in the Championship at the discretion of the Tournament Director.
Plate: Australian rating under 1300.
Prize Money: $5,000
Format: 8 games Saturday, 9 games Sunday and 7 games Monday, followed by Presentation Dinner at the same venue.
Protocols: 25 minutes per player, Australian Rules, CSW15 reference, reset after game 12.
Registration: All players must have checked in by 8.30 am on 15 April for a 9.00 am start.
Food: Lunch can be purchased in nearby Preston St.