Scrabble NSW will reimburse organisers of clubs wishing to be affiliated up to $100, for expenses incurred in advertising, photocopying, postage and telephone whilst establishing the club. Where possible, expenses should be supported by receipts.
Both of thse publications are available to members of Scrabble NSW at discount prices - see Resources
Most clubs charge a nominal amount, from $1 to $5 per session to cover venue hire, tea, coffee, biscuits, prizes etc. Clubs need to accumulate some revenue to cover costs for dictionaries, additional scrabble sets, and possibly staging a tournament or a Christmas party. It is advisable for clubs to appoint a treasurer to operate a bank account.
Two players per board is recommended with both players keeping scores for themselves and their opponent. This then enables scores to be cross-checked during games and the winner to be properly determined.
It is up to individual club organisers to determine their own procedures for club play, insofar as looking up and challenging go. A good system which enhances skills, and enables games to be played relatively quickly, is one which includes limited access to word lists. It is best for games to be conducted to suit the least experienced player. This could mean that:
Most established clubs play to the single challenge rule, meaning no looking up, and the player of an incorrect word misses a turn. In single challenge, there is no penalty for challenging.
It is a good idea to limit club games to one hour, so that a good turn-around of games is achieved.
You may wish to implement a handicap system in your club to evenly match opponents and provide a gauge for player improvement. The following system is recommended:
Any club which has at least one paid up member (preferably the convenor) is deemed to be affiliated with Scrabble NSW. This will effect a club listing on this website as well as in the quarterly magazine Across the Board.NSW. Clubs that are affiliated are covered by our insurance policy.
Scrabble NSW offers a reciprocal arrangement to affiliated clubs with five or more paid up members of Scrabble NSW. Such clubs can be provided with customised Scrabble cards, posters, access to cheap replacement sets, and reimbursement for some advertising costs. We request that convenors of reciprocating clubs renew their members with Scrabble NSW in July each year, and distribute the quarterly magazine to their members.
It is not compulsory for members of social clubs to become members of Scrabble NSW. However, we request convenors of social clubs aware of the fact that membership of Scrabble NSW is available. We request that convenors of affiliated clubs make every effort to join their members into Scrabble NSW, in return for the extensive support given to such clubs. Here is the Application Form for membership of Scrabble NSW. Affiliated clubs could subsidise the Scrabble NSW memership fees for their club members by allocating a small portion of their playing fee to Scrabble NSW membership. Club players who become members of Scrabble NSW will then be able to realise the following benefits:
Some venue managers will insist on sighting current insurance cover. A copy of the current insurance certificate can be obtained by from the State President (details below).
Enquiries about starting a new club should be directed to the NSW State President, Bob Jackman. He can be contacted by phone 0400 226541 or email