Central Coast Summer on 08/12/2024

A Pairings for round 3

Results from round 2

1*Asanka Dissanayake2+198   table 1 Bob Jackman3
2*Greg Pinchbeck2+143   table 2 Josh Watt3
3 Rod Talbot1+111   table 3*Chris Ostrowski3
4 Josh Watt1+68   table 2*Greg Pinchbeck3
5 Tony Hunt1+1   table 4*Colleen Birch2
6 Bob Jackman1-117   table 1*Asanka Dissanayake3
7*Colleen Birch0-74   table 4 Tony Hunt2
8*Chris Ostrowski0-330   table 3 Rod Talbot3

The player with the asterisk plays first.

High game:Josh Watt498

A Pairings for round 4

Results from round 2

1 Asanka Dissanayake2+198   table 1*Tony Hunt3
2 Greg Pinchbeck2+143   table 2*Rod Talbot3
3*Rod Talbot1+111   table 2 Greg Pinchbeck3
4*Josh Watt1+68   table 3 Colleen Birch2
5*Tony Hunt1+1   table 1 Asanka Dissanayake3
6*Bob Jackman1-117   table 4 Chris Ostrowski3
7 Colleen Birch0-74   table 3*Josh Watt2
8 Chris Ostrowski0-330   table 4*Bob Jackman3

The player with the asterisk plays first.

High game:Josh Watt498

A Pairings for round 5

Results from round 2

1*Asanka Dissanayake2+198   table 1 Josh Watt3
2*Greg Pinchbeck2+143   table 2 Chris Ostrowski3
3 Rod Talbot1+111   table 3*Colleen Birch2
4 Josh Watt1+68   table 1*Asanka Dissanayake3
5 Tony Hunt1+1   table 4*Bob Jackman3
6*Bob Jackman1-117   table 4 Tony Hunt3
7*Colleen Birch0-74   table 3 Rod Talbot2
8 Chris Ostrowski0-330   table 2*Greg Pinchbeck3

The player with the asterisk plays first.

High game:Josh Watt498

A Pairings for round 6

Results from round 2

1 Asanka Dissanayake2+198   table 1*Rod Talbot3
2*Greg Pinchbeck2+143   table 2 Colleen Birch2
3*Rod Talbot1+111   table 1 Asanka Dissanayake3
4*Josh Watt1+68   table 3 Bob Jackman3
5 Tony Hunt1+1   table 4*Chris Ostrowski3
6 Bob Jackman1-117   table 3*Josh Watt3
7 Colleen Birch0-74   table 2*Greg Pinchbeck2
8*Chris Ostrowski0-330   table 4 Tony Hunt3

The player with the asterisk plays first.

High game:Josh Watt498

A Pairings for round 7

Results from round 2

1*Asanka Dissanayake2+198   table 1 Greg Pinchbeck3
2 Greg Pinchbeck2+143   table 1*Asanka Dissanayake3
3 Rod Talbot1+111   table 2*Bob Jackman3
4 Josh Watt1+68   table 3*Tony Hunt3
5*Tony Hunt1+1   table 3 Josh Watt3
6*Bob Jackman1-117   table 2 Rod Talbot3
7*Colleen Birch0-74   table 4 Chris Ostrowski2
8 Chris Ostrowski0-330   table 4*Colleen Birch2

The player with the asterisk plays first.

High game:Josh Watt498

B Pairings for round 3

Results from round 1

1 Janine Whittaker1+105   table 5*Margaret Clifford3
2 Vinh Nguyen1+89   table 6*Richard Birch3
3*Andrew Smith1+67   table 7 Sharon Sorensen2
4 John Barker1+38   table 8*Margaret Berliner3
5 Sharon Sorensen0-38   table 7*Andrew Smith2
6*Margaret Clifford0-67   table 5 Janine Whittaker3
7*Margaret Berliner0-89   table 8 John Barker3
8*Richard Birch0-105   table 6 Vinh Nguyen3

The player with the asterisk plays first.

High game:Janine Whittaker477

B Pairings for round 4

Results from round 1

1*Janine Whittaker1+105   table 5 Margaret Berliner3
2*Vinh Nguyen1+89   table 6 Andrew Smith2
3 Andrew Smith1+67   table 6*Vinh Nguyen2
4*John Barker1+38   table 7 Richard Birch3
5*Sharon Sorensen0-38   table 8 Margaret Clifford3
6 Margaret Clifford0-67   table 8*Sharon Sorensen3
7 Margaret Berliner0-89   table 5*Janine Whittaker3
8 Richard Birch0-105   table 7*John Barker3

The player with the asterisk plays first.

High game:Janine Whittaker477

B Pairings for round 5

Results from round 1

1*Janine Whittaker1+105   table 5 Sharon Sorensen3
2 Vinh Nguyen1+89   table 6*Margaret Clifford3
3*Andrew Smith1+67   table 7 John Barker2
4 John Barker1+38   table 7*Andrew Smith2
5 Sharon Sorensen0-38   table 5*Janine Whittaker3
6*Margaret Clifford0-67   table 6 Vinh Nguyen3
7 Margaret Berliner0-89   table 8*Richard Birch3
8*Richard Birch0-105   table 8 Margaret Berliner3

The player with the asterisk plays first.

High game:Janine Whittaker477

B Pairings for round 6

Results from round 1

1 Janine Whittaker1+105   table 5*Vinh Nguyen3
2*Vinh Nguyen1+89   table 5 Janine Whittaker3
3 Andrew Smith1+67   table 6*Richard Birch2
4*John Barker1+38   table 7 Margaret Clifford3
5 Sharon Sorensen0-38   table 8*Margaret Berliner3
6 Margaret Clifford0-67   table 7*John Barker3
7*Margaret Berliner0-89   table 8 Sharon Sorensen3
8*Richard Birch0-105   table 6 Andrew Smith2

The player with the asterisk plays first.

High game:Janine Whittaker477

B Pairings for round 7

Results from round 1

1*Janine Whittaker1+105   table 5 John Barker3
2 Vinh Nguyen1+89   table 6*Sharon Sorensen3
3*Andrew Smith1+67   table 7 Margaret Berliner2
4 John Barker1+38   table 5*Janine Whittaker3
5*Sharon Sorensen0-38   table 6 Vinh Nguyen3
6*Margaret Clifford0-67   table 8 Richard Birch3
7 Margaret Berliner0-89   table 7*Andrew Smith2
8 Richard Birch0-105   table 8*Margaret Clifford3

The player with the asterisk plays first.

High game:Janine Whittaker477

C Pairings for round 3

Results from round 2

1 Nathan Tang2+122
2 Donna MacDonald2+62   table 9*Liz Jackman3
3 Kathryn Tiffen1(+0.5)+61(+0)   table 10*Krystyna Batten3
4 Krystyna Batten1+68   table 10*Kathryn Tiffen3
5 Liz Jackman0(+0.5)-96(+0)   table 9*Donna MacDonald3
6*Kerry Garnsey0-79   table 11 Devorah Ullman3
7 Devorah Ullman0-138   table 11*Kerry Garnsey3

Bye treatment explained in brackets

The player with the asterisk plays first.

High game:Krystyna Batten425

C Pairings for round 4

Results from round 2

1 Nathan Tang2+122   table 9*Donna MacDonald3
2 Donna MacDonald2+62   table 9*Nathan Tang3
3 Kathryn Tiffen1(+0.5)+61(+0)   table 10*Kerry Garnsey3
4 Krystyna Batten1+68
5 Liz Jackman0(+0.5)-96(+0)   table 11*Devorah Ullman3
6*Kerry Garnsey0-79   table 10 Kathryn Tiffen3
7 Devorah Ullman0-138   table 11*Liz Jackman3

Bye treatment explained in brackets

The player with the asterisk plays first.

High game:Krystyna Batten425

C Pairings for round 5

Results from round 2

1 Nathan Tang2+122   table 9*Devorah Ullman3
2 Donna MacDonald2+62
3 Kathryn Tiffen1(+0.5)+61(+0)   table 10*Liz Jackman3
4 Krystyna Batten1+68   table 11*Kerry Garnsey3
5 Liz Jackman0(+0.5)-96(+0)   table 10*Kathryn Tiffen3
6*Kerry Garnsey0-79   table 11 Krystyna Batten3
7 Devorah Ullman0-138   table 9*Nathan Tang3

Bye treatment explained in brackets

The player with the asterisk plays first.

High game:Krystyna Batten425

C Pairings for round 6

Results from round 2

1 Nathan Tang2+122   table 9*Kathryn Tiffen3
2 Donna MacDonald2+62   table 10*Devorah Ullman3
3 Kathryn Tiffen1(+0.5)+61(+0)   table 9*Nathan Tang3
4 Krystyna Batten1+68   table 11*Liz Jackman3
5 Liz Jackman0(+0.5)-96(+0)   table 11*Krystyna Batten3
6*Kerry Garnsey0-79
7 Devorah Ullman0-138   table 10*Donna MacDonald3

Bye treatment explained in brackets

The player with the asterisk plays first.

High game:Krystyna Batten425

C Pairings for round 7

Results from round 2

1*Nathan Tang2+122   table 9 Krystyna Batten3
2*Donna MacDonald2+62   table 10 Kathryn Tiffen3
3 Kathryn Tiffen1(+0.5)+61(+0)   table 10*Donna MacDonald3
4 Krystyna Batten1+68   table 9*Nathan Tang3
5 Liz Jackman0(+0.5)-96(+0)   table 11*Kerry Garnsey3
6*Kerry Garnsey0-79   table 11 Liz Jackman3
7 Devorah Ullman0-138

Bye treatment explained in brackets

The player with the asterisk plays first.

High game:Krystyna Batten425