A progressive
series of dictionary standards have been used at Australian tournaments
over the years. This is partly due to evolution of international
consensus and partly due to the changing nature of the English language
Rated tournaments in Australia are currently
adjudicated according to Collins Official Scrabble Words word list (or a computer-based
equivalent) commonly known as CSW. CSW is the de facto world standard, and is used
by many countries around the world as an exclusive reference source for
word adjudication. It is also the official dictionary reference source
for the World Scrabble Championships.
The Collins zyzzyva computer-based adjudication tool is available for download from :
use from 1 July 2019:
Collins Official Scrabble Words (5th edition) Please note
that there are a number of Collins Scrabble titles, the official reference to be used in tournaments has
ISBN 9780008320126.
use from 31 July 2015 - 30 June 2019:
Collins Official Scrabble Words (4th edition) Please note
that there are a number of Collins Scrabble titles, the official reference to be used in tournaments has
ISBN 978-0-00-758916-6.
use from 1 Jan 2012 - 31 July 2015:
Collins Official Scrabble Words (3rd edition) Please note
that there are a number of Collins Scrabble titles, the official reference to be used in tournaments has
ISBN 978-0-00-742562-4.
Formerly used:
Scrabble Tournament & Club Word List (15 May 2007 - 31 Dec 2011) Please note
that there are a number of Collins Scrabble titles, the official list used in tournaments has
ISBN 978-0-00-725884-0.
Collins Official
Scrabble Dictionary Complementary dictionary (second edition)
ISBN 978-0-00-725908-3.
Scrabble Words International (OSWI)
OSWI is a combination of words published in the Official
tournament and club Word List (OWL) and Official
Scrabble Words (OSW) [4th edition].
International Scrabble Word List
"Redwood" was the first truly international English word authority of
its kind. It was originally published by Hinkler Book
Distributors (Melbourne) in 1997. |
Official Scrabble Words
(OSW) and The Chambers Dictionary
OSW is a compilation of words up to 9 letters
derived from The Chambers Dictionary (1998 edition).
Both the list and the dictionary was published in Scotland by Chambers
Harrap Publishers Ltd (Now part of Vivendi Universal Publishing). OSW
was used as an exclusive reference source for word adjudication in the
United Kingdom until 2001.
tournament and club Word List (OWL)
Official Tournament and Club Word List or Tournament
Word List, referred to
as OTaCWL, OWL, or TWL, is the official word authority for tournament
Scrabble in North America. The most recent (2nd)
version of OWL has not yet
been incorporated into the international lexicon, which only includes
words in the 3rd edition. OWL is currently used as an exclusive
reference source for word adjudication in United States, Canada,
Thailand and Israel. |
Scrabble Players Dictionary (OSPD)
OSPD [4th edition] is a publication derived primarily
from the Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth
Edition (1993). OSPD also includes words from four other major college
dictionaries. It is published by Merriam-Webster in the United States.
Unlike previous editions, OSPD [4th edition] excludes words considered
(arbitrarily) to be offensive.