R1 lost to Sayaka Kamikariya 373:418 ⇒ 28th on 0-45
R2 beat Kerry Reimers2 371:344 ⇒ 22nd on 1-18
R3 lost to Dorothy Fields 357:385 ⇒ 26th on 1-46
R4 lost to Donna Sekkouah 361:411 ⇒ 32nd on 1-96
R5 beat Margaret Bishop 397:372 ⇒ 24th on 2-71
R6 beat Anne Hough 384:294 ⇒ 19th on 3+19
R7 lost to Pat Schuberg 343:392 ⇒ 24th on 3-30
R8 beat Paula Messer 459:405 ⇒ 19th on 4+24
R9 lost to Vincent Nguyen 259:457 ⇒ 26th on 4-174
R10 beat Susan Roberts 386:315 ⇒ 23rd on 5-103
R11 beat Elize Plaganyi 361:340 ⇒ 18th on 6-82
R12 lost to David Eddington 371:398 ⇒ 23rd on 6-109
R13 lost to Frank Csarics 318:483 ⇒ 27th on 6-274
R14 beat Tim Walton 423:390 ⇒ 23rd on 7-241
R15 was pipped by Leonie Balsley 398:401 ⇒ 26th on 7-244
R16 beat Michael Smitheram 427:320 ⇒ 22nd on 8-137
R17 beat John Salmon 431:372 ⇒ 18th on 9-78
R18 lost to Rob Marotta 328:390 ⇒ 21st on 9-140
R19 lost to Anne Goldstein 407:433 ⇒ 24th on 9-166
R20 lost to Lynne Jarvis 278:382 ⇒ 28th on 9-270
R21 pipped Rene Chelton 362:355 ⇒ 27th on 10-263
R22 beat Kerry Reimers2 421:299 ⇒ 19th on 11-141
R23 lost to Olga Visser 332:418 ⇒ 27th on 11-227
R24 lost to Gail Hamilton 334:421 ⇒ 28th on 11-314