S1 C3 R1
A1 B3
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E1 Victoria
Since July 2020, Scrabble Victoria has provided its members with
online options when it comes to playing Scrabble; originally set up to
assist members through the restrictions on in person events due to
COVID-19, online options are now an established part of our offering.
What we use for play
Our events are run using licensed apps - for untimed and "sit and go"
matches, we use the Scrabble Go app (available on phones and tablets).
The app is free to use and can be played in two modes (Modern and
Classic). A monthly in-app fee can be paid to remove ads from the app,
which will assist when used for the events we run.
There are two types of game play we use - "sit and go" and those
completed in one sitting, eg as used in our "Saturday Online" events.
In May 2022, we started using the PlayScrabble website
(playscrabble.com) which is an officially licensed platform developed
by the same organization as Scrabble Go.
Sit and Go
Sit and Go matches, as the name suggests, are designed for people who
play on the go; there is no urgency to play your move. A game may take
several days. As long as games are completed within the allocated time
(usually two weeks), that is what is required.
Fortnightly round robin events are run through a Facebook group that
has been set up for our members (Victorian Online Scrabble League).
Saturday Online and Tablet events
Saturday Online events run once a month (usually on Saturday
afternoons) and have been set up to match the face-to-face experience
as much as possible.
Each afternoon event consists of five games and usually commences
around 1pm with games completed by around 5.30pm at the latest.
These events are run using the Scrabble Go app.
Tablet events started in May 2022, with the inaugural one held in
Doncaster. These events are run to a similar format as our Saturday
Online events and will use either Scrabble Go or PlayScrabble.
Both styles of events allow players to have their own official online
rating, from a system set up by Barry Harridge.
Rules for these events are found here .
How to get on board
The news about what is coming up and what has happened can be seen on
the Victorian Online Scrabble League (VOSL) , a private group on Facebook .
Entry to these events are free for Scrabble Victoria members, and
available to non-members at a cost of $20pa. If you are interested in
taking part, contact Nick Ivanovski via email at nicksfbemail@gmail.com
Scrabble Victoria Online Records
Official online records from our rated events can be found at this link.
Saturday Online Event Days in 2025
January 18, 2025
March 1, 2025
March 29, 2025
April 26, 2025
June 14, 2025 (Vic Online Open Day 1)
June 28, 2025 (Vic Online Open Day 2)
July 19, 2025
August 30, 2025
September 20, 2025
November 1, 2025
November 29, 2025
Results and ratings: 01.03.2025 Saturday Online 010325
following mz180125 on 20250118
5 games
1 4 +15 Gwen Lampre E1373 +34 1407
2 3 +138 Nick Ivanovski E1468 +5 1473
3 2 -82 Dianne Davis E1450 -13 1437
4 1 -71 Chris Scholten E1369 -25 1344
High game: Chris Scholten 520
5 games
1 4 +166 Glenys Dettmann E 971 +31 1002
2 3 +202 Paula Messer E1067 +1 1068
3 3 -43 Bill Doherty E1082 +0 1082
4 2 -44 Jayanthi Viswanathan E1169 -29 1140
5 2 -233 Helen Scholten E 723 +16 739
6 1 -48 Ann Goodwin E 859 -18 841
High game: Paula Messer 465
Scrabble Victoria Online Ratings
Latest Event: Saturday Online March 1
Players appear on our official ratings list if they are current Scrabble Victoria members (or equivalent State Association) and have played an online event within the last 12 months.
Players who do not meet these criteria, and have played our online events previously, still have ratings maintained but will appear on this list once they play another online event and their membership is current.
First time participants in our online events will either get a provisional rating (if they have never played any officially rated events previously) or, if they have played an in-person event previously, will have an initial online rating derived from their in-person official rating.
1 VIC Carol Johnsen 1487
2 VIC Omduth Matoo 1478
3 VIC Nick Ivanovski 1473
4 VIC Dianne Davis 1437
5 VIC Oscar Ivanovski 1436
6 VIC Norma Fisher 1426
7 VIC Gwen Lampre 1407
8 VIC Chris Scholten 1344
9 SA Angie Pearse 1280
10 VIC Jessica Richards 1249
11 VIC Khwanjai Thammaping 1214
12 VIC Jayanthi Viswanathan 1140
13 VIC Emms Villaceran 1138
14 VIC Bill Doherty 1082
15 VIC Lynne Goodinson 1071
16 VIC Paula Messer 1068
17 TAS Lynne Jarvis 1035
18 VIC Glenys Dettmann 1002
19 VIC Annette Casey 969
20 VIC Angie Winkler 960
21 VIC Denise Heathcote 873
22 VIC Ann Goodwin 841
23 VIC Tania Millen 746
24 VIC Helen Scholten 739