Scrabble Australia
About: CASPA Constitution

CASPA constitution for download as word document
The name of the organisation is the Council of the Australian Scrabble® Players Associations, also known as CASPA. 2. OBJECTIVES
The objectives of CASPA are:

2.1 To coordinate Scrabble® playing activities across Australia.
2.2 To develop and standardise Scrabble® rules across Australia where agreed. However, CASPA acknowledges the right of States and Territories to set their own rules.
2.3 To promote the interests of Australia's Scrabble® players.
2.4 To promote the game of Scrabble®, and the establishment and growth of Scrabble® clubs. 3. RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 To liaise with the Scrabble® manufacturer/trade mark owner/copyright owner.
3.2 To liaise with dictionary publishers.
3.3 To liaise with Scrabble® organisations overseas.
3.4 Establish criteria to select Australian participants in international Scrabble® events.
3.5 To organise Australian Scrabble® Championship.
3.6 To operate a rating system.
3.7 To develop standard rules and ethics of play.
3.8 To publish a regular newsletter.
3.9 CASPA may fulfil these responsibilities directly, or by delegating authority to appointed office bearers, to a State, or by appointing a sub-committee. 4. MEMBERSHIP 4.1 The members of CASPA are: 4.2 In the event of a Scrabble® players' association being formed in the Northern Territory, CASPA may invite this association to become a member of CASPA.
4.3 The word "State" in this constitution shall mean one of the member associations, whether it be from a State or a Territory. 5. MEETINGS 5.1 An Annual Meeting shall be held once per year, in conjunction with the Australian Scrabble® Championship or as agreed by prior correspondence.
5.2 The committee of each State may appoint up to two delegates to the Annual Meeting.
5.3 The Trade Mark Holder Liaison Officer (or nominated representative) will attend the Annual Meeting.
5.4 Meetings may be held at other times by email, correspondence or telephone.
5.5 The committee of each State may appoint one delegate for email, correspondence and telephone meetings. States must advise the Coordinator who their delegate is at any time.
5.6 The Coordinator must set a reply date for matters to be decided by correspondence meeting. Where a State has not responded by that date, the State may be deemed by the Coordinator to have abstained. 6. OFFICE BEARERS 6.1 CASPA shall appoint office bearers including: and other office bearers as necessary. 6.2 The Coordinator shall convene and chair the Annual Meeting and email, correspondence and telephone meetings, circulate minutes of meetings and reports of office bearers, maintain CASPA records, and speak for CASPA to players and to the media as necessary.
6.3 The Coordinator may appoint a deputy to perform the Coordinator's functions when necessary.
6.4 The duties of office bearers other than the Coordinator will be determined by CASPA.
6.5 All office bearers are accountable to CASPA for performance of duties assigned.
6.6 All office bearers will hold office until the next Annual Meeting.
6.7 Notwithstanding clause 6.6, CASPA may dismiss an office bearer for mis-performance or non-performance of duties.
6.8 The Coordinator may, subject to agreement of the meeting, invite office bearers to participate in meetings. However office bearers do not have voting rights unless they are also state delegates. 7. VOTING 7.1 CASPA decisions are made by votes at the Annual meeting, correspondence meetings or telephone meetings.
7.2 Each State is allowed votes according to the number of members its association has as published in the last 'Across the Board', as follows: 1 to 50 members 1 vote
51 to 150 members 2 votes
151 to 250 members 3 votes
251 to 350 members 4 votes
351 to 450 members 5 votes and thereafter one extra vote for each 100 or part of 100 members exceeding 450. 7.3 Voting shall be by simple majority. Where a vote is tied, the status quo shall remain. 8. ALTERATIONS TO THIS CONSTITUTION 8.1 This Constitution shall take effect after a correspondence meeting where all States vote to accept it.
8.2 Alteration to this Constitution may be made by a majority vote at the Annual Meeting, followed by an email or correspondence meeting. A simple majority vote in favour of the alteration at both the Annual Meeting and the email or correspondence meeting is required.
(Amended 1ST MAY 2011) after AGM on 22 April 2011 and following correspondence agreement

previous version of the constitution can be found at this link