Australian Masters and State Team Challenge

Adelaide 2024

Please be at the Glenelg Football Club, Stratarama Stadium (corner of Brighton and Diagonal Roads, Glenelg East) by 8.30am on Saturday 7th September, clocks start promptly at 8.45am. We will be playing upstairs in the President’s Room on the southern side of the complex. There will be an A frame sign outside saying Scrabble Tournament. Just go up the stairs or the lift and you will find the room.

There will be tea, coffee and biscuits available all day and fruit platters at morning and afternoon tea. If you bring any food of your own please eat it outside of the building as there is a rule against bringing your own food.

Registration: 8.30am Saturday.
Conditions: CSW22 (aka CSW21), 25 minutes per player, Australian Rules, ASPA rated and WESPA Rated.
Challenge: Masters section has 5 point penalty for each word challenged but correct.

Day 1: 8.45am to 7pm - lunch period to be confirmed
Day 2: 9am to 5.30pm - lunch period to be confirmed

Tournament Director: Barry Harridge
Please do not hesitate to immediately call the attention of the TD if you feel uncomfortable with any play or behaviours that may occur.

The teams have been selected via ratings.