Selection by ratings
The primary criterion for ranking candidates is the Q statistic
Subperiods are Jun to Sep 2022, Oct to Jan and Feb to May 2023.
- The Qstat: The qualifying statistic is Q = (P1 + P2 + 2 x P3)/4 , which is a weighted average of peak
ratings in the three subperiods.
- Third peak: You cannot earn the peak in the third subperiod until you have played 40 games rated by ASPA
in the qualification period.
- Penalty: If you do not earn a peak in a subperiod , your peak in that subperiod is equal to the last
rating minus 200. This may be applied more than once.
- Incomplete tournament: If you miss a game for any reason other than an assigned bye,
you cannot count a peak attained in that tournament for any qualification purposes.
Games played will count towards games quotas.
Ratings will be calculated as usual, with byes and forfeits not rated.
- Games: You must have played at least 40 games in the qualifying period.
- Tie breaker: If two players have the same Q statistic, the one with the greater number of games in the
qualification period is ranked higher.
Players may appeal to CASPA for a special dispensation in exceptional circumstances.
Carolyn Watt has been granted exemption so that she will be the third member of the WA team.
In the event of any unforeseen
issue the decision of CASPA is final.