R1 got walloped by Julie Brice (QLD): 1406 251:460 ⇒ 76th on 0-209
R2 beat Lewis Hawkins (NZ): 1368 420:363 ⇒ 56th on 1-152
R3 pipped Martin Waterworth (QLD): 1397 405:404 ⇒ 40th on 2-151
R4 lost to Michael Tang (SGP): 1677 289:396 ⇒ 53rd on 2-258
R5 lost to Marie London (TAS): 1401 348:373 ⇒ 62nd on 2-283
R6 got walloped by Trish Reynolds (QLD): 1481 301:533 ⇒ 70th on 2-515
R7 beat Ivor Zetler (NSW): 1392 424:290 ⇒ 60th on 3-381
R8 beat Julie Belle (VIC): 1483 392:359 ⇒ 47th on 4-348
R9 lost to John Barker (NSW): 1501 394:458 ⇒ 57th on 4-412
R10 beat Teresa Dean (SA): 1385 353:314 ⇒ 47th on 5-373
R11 lost to Martin Rose (TAS): 1511 356:418 ⇒ 56th on 5-435
R12 beat Adam Kretschmer (SA): 1704 395:350 ⇒ 47th on 6-390
R13 lost to John Barker (NSW): 1501 365:443 ⇒ 55th on 6-468
R14 beat Martin Rose (TAS): 1511 392:373 ⇒ 47th on 7-449
R15 lost to Paul Richards (QLD): 1513 297:414 ⇒ 56th on 7-566
R16 lost to Julie Belle (VIC): 1483 353:413 ⇒ 60th on 7-626
R17 beat Susan MacGillivray (ACT): 1387 383:287 ⇒ 54th on 8-530
R18 lost to Barry Jordan (SA): 1471 388:426 ⇒ 60th on 8-568
R19 beat Teresa Dean (SA): 1385 377:352 ⇒ 53rd on 9-543
R20 lost to Ruth MacInerney (ENG): 1457 252:425 ⇒ 58th on 9-716
R21 beat Liz Blanch (QLD): 1435 364:352 ⇒ 53rd on 10-704
R22 lost to Marie London (TAS): 1401 350:385 ⇒ 59th on 10-739
R23 beat Frank Csarics (VIC): 1448 460:304 ⇒ 52nd on 11-583
R24 beat Ivor Zetler (NSW): 1392 434:381 ⇒ 46th on 12-530