R1 got walloped by Nina Clarke: 929 218:426 ⇒ 57th on 0-208
R2 beat Tanissha Suppiah: 603 368:312 ⇒ 43rd on 1-152
R3 lost to Ivy Nicholls: 844 331:426 ⇒ 51st on 1-247
R4 lost to Louisa Atsas: 989 337:436 ⇒ 55th on 1-346
R5 lost to Susan Roberts: 1315 270:355 ⇒ 56th on 1-431
R6 lost to Liz Jackman: 838 355:418 ⇒ 57th on 1-494
R7 beat Wayne Willis: 706 337:321 ⇒ 55th on 2-478
R8 lost to Paula Brown: 776 356:418 ⇒ 56th on 2-540
R9 lost to Karyn Crease: 1085 362:390 ⇒ 56th on 2-568
R10 lost to Mohammed Hegazi: 773 296:338 ⇒ 56th on 2-610
R11 beat Glenys Dettmann: 1102 389:298 ⇒ 56th on 3-519
R12 beat Dawn Boyle: 732 350:286 ⇒ 54th on 4-455
R13 lost to Dawn Boyle: 732 309:330 ⇒ 55th on 4-476
R14 lost to Wayne Willis: 706 307:333 ⇒ 56th on 4-502
R15 beat Tanissha Suppiah: 603 379:298 ⇒ 54th on 5-421
R16 lost to Louisa Atsas: 989 286:357 ⇒ 55th on 5-492
R17 lost to Dorothy Barraclough: 1004 302:346 ⇒ 56th on 5-536
R18 lost to Ivy Nicholls: 844 296:383 ⇒ 56th on 5-623
R19 lost to Betty Smith: 1138 313:400 ⇒ 56th on 5-710
R20 lost to Oscar Ivanovski: 1133 330:365 ⇒ 56th on 5-745
R21 beat Glenys Dettmann: 1102 354:325 ⇒ 55th on 6-716
R22 lost to Suzy Brownlow: 1111 337:528 ⇒ 55th on 6-907
R23 lost to David Eddington: 922 342:373 ⇒ 56th on 6-938
R24 lost to Nina Clarke: 929 318:357 ⇒ 56th on 6-977