Australian Records - 2020

All of these records were achieved during officially rated ASPA tournaments. Please get verification from the tournament director and send to

See also the all time records

High game score 701 Jeffery Lam 701 against Dylan Cheav 200 at 23.08.2020 junior chipping norton
Large game margin 501 Jeffery Lam 701 against Dylan Cheav 200 at 23.08.2020 junior chipping norton
High drawn game 480 Joanne Craig 480 against Tony Hunt 480 at 27.01.2020 City of Sydney International Masters
High combined score 1064 Chris May 551 against Marlon Prudencio 513 at 27.01.2020 City of Sydney International Masters
Victor Tung 528 against John Holgate 536 at 27.01.2020 City of Sydney International Masters
High average score 503.8 (6 games) Daniel Piechnick at 11.10.2020 SA October
High average spread 255.3 (9 games) Jeffery Lam at 04.01.2020 JanBoree
High losing score 528 Victor Tung 528 against John Holgate 536 at 27.01.2020 City of Sydney International Masters
Long winning streak
High word 212 PIROQUES: Mark Smith at 13.12.2020 Scroker11
High opening score 100 MaILBOX: Adam Kretschmer 28.11.2020
High play, not bonus
High play, not triple triple 134 QuINIES: Karen Richards 23.02.2020
QuINIES: Karen Richards 23.02.2020
Long word
Many bingos 6 SCALIER; ETAErIO; ELOINER: Joanne Craig; 05.01.2020
Many consecutive bingos 3 AUDIENT; HANDLIK(E); BANDIES: Joanne Craig 25.01.2020
(T)EENAGES; BE(A)UTIES; ARRAIgN(S): Adam Kretschmer 12.07.2020